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The Art of the Story: An Introduction

You know, there is probably no greater power on the world wide web today than the art of storytelling. It is single handedly responsible for more audience building and money making than probably any other force online.

It’s something that has changed many lives for the better and will change many more in the days, weeks, and years to come. The fact of the matter is, we all love a good story. In fact, people make buying decisions based on emotion and then seek to justify those buying decisions with logic. However…

...many times the story is responsible for invoking those emotions.

I want to dive into the ultra powerful world of storytelling for you. Using these skills within your email marketing strategy will serve you very well!

But first…

I've got a true story to share with you, one that involves none other than the legendary maestro of storytelling himself: Martin Scorsese.

Picture this: A young Scorsese, with a strong case of asthma, forcing him to be unable to participate in sports or many other activities that his siblings and friends participated in. He spent a lot of time alone and developed a love for movies.

While most kids would've been bored out of their minds, our future visionary director found refuge in a world of tales spun by film and television. These stories became his lifeline, fueling his imagination and instilling within him a profound appreciation for the power of storytelling.

Little did he know that this experience would ignite a fire within him, setting him on a path to become one of the greatest storytellers of our time—a true cinematic genius who would leave an indelible mark on the world. From Raging Bull, to Taxi Driver, to Goodfellas, to The Wolf of Wallstreet…

…his movies have captivated us over and over again through the years. They are in many ways timeless.

Now, you might be wondering, "What does Scorsese's journey have to do with us?" 

Well, my internet warrior friend, it serves as a reminder of the incredible impact storytelling can have on our lives and the lives of those we connect with. And that's precisely what we're about to explore in this engaging blog series.

We'll delve into the art of storytelling and how it can shape our personal and professional lives. We'll uncover the secrets behind crafting compelling narratives, captivating audiences, and leaving a lasting impression.

Get ready to unleash your creativity, ignite your imagination, and discover the magic that happens when words weave their enchanting spell!

Together, we'll explore the various facets of storytelling, learn from the masters, and uncover valuable insights that will empower you to become a master storyteller in your own right. So, sit back, buckle up and get ready to roll. 

Stay tuned for my next post, where we'll dive into the "5 Things You Should Never Do as a Storyteller."

Until then, keep your imagination alive and your storytelling spirit soaring high!